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Group 1

Waipoua Forest of the Giants

Waipoua; Forest of the Giants

A tour of Northland New Zealand is not complete without a visit to the Waipoua(pronounced wy-po-a) Forest.This remnant of an ancient forest that was once typical of the forest cover of northern New Zealand.


The day we visited in February, normally high summer,had persistant but warm heavy showers, accompanied by a heavy mist that occupied valleys and hill tops alike. This, only added to the prehistoric feel of the place.(It also meant photos where a bit on the blurry side.)


Definately worth a look at, apart from a rather dodgey and narrow road in, is the visitors centre and the very beautiful,Waimamaku river.


A great stop-over for camping, picnics and photos.



Throughout the forest, Kauri (pronounced cow-ree) trees can be seen at all stages of growth.Distinctive growth stages, allow both imature and mature timber of the Kauri tree to be useful, giving the early pioneers, settlers, traders, and associated milling industry a valuable resouce and trading commodity.However the uncontrolled cutting and forest clearing of this slow growing resource, is the main reasons, for the Kauri trees demise and near extinction. Sobering thoughts indeed, as we clear thousands of acres daily on planet earth in 2006.


Seedling grow through a slender or leggy stage as they wait for openings in the lower scrubb or forest canopy, progressing rapidly into conical shapes with narrow straight trunks called “rickers” (from their use as spars and masts for the early sailing ships)

Then at 70-100 years old upper branches form a permanent and spreading crown, all lower branches have been shed, leaving long, straight grained, honey coloured and easily worked timber, that no pioneer could resist.


Within the forest you will find 2000 year old giants.




Tana Mahuta (Lord of the forest) 51mtrs high,13mtrs girth. “Awesome”,is the only word, and thankful that somehow these huge trees avoided the saw and axe.


So, if you are reading this article in some far off land, make sure you put New Zealand on your list of things to do and places to go.We have friendly giants and friendly people, see you soon…….



Rick and Jenny Bromhead

Jewellery designers and manufacturers. Based in Northland New Zealand, love to travel and delight in encouraging others to do the same. We have produced a range of unique jewellery designs from New Zealand’s traditional Maori Koru, birds and forest, fish and sea shells.

Jewellery can be purchased from our Pacific Treasures online shop, also throughout New Zealand at selected tourist and quality souvenir locations.

If you are travelling through the Northland region,you are welcome to call(by appointment) at our studio workshop.

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