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Group 1

Purchasing Options

Purchasing options Visa, Mastercard or Pay Pal

* Select your item from any of the catagories displayed
   and add to the "Shopping Basket", payment by Visa , Mastercard  or Pay Pal is accepted through our D.P.S payment system.
   It's very simple and very secure.
* Lay buy puchases are available to "approved" customers, please ask before using this option.
Our Terms are;
Lay Buy available on items over NZ$500.00.
A one third of the total price payed as an initial deposit,  the remainder payed within a two month period.

Don't want to purchase online? Thats fine.
   Take note of the item code and discription
   Simply email your order direct to Pacific Treasures,
   we will contact you to work out delivery and payment.