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You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the R279F Fitted carved Fine koru wedding band in White Gold would interest you.


This example is the lighter R279f koru , style fitted wedder.
These fitted koru wedders are designed  to complement our existing koru and other engagement ring styles.
They can also be made up to fit your  existing engagement ring.
The carved  Koru design centre, scrolls around the entire band, this makes a very beautiful matched "set", giving a very distinctive and very New Zealand theme to your engagement and wedding ring choice.


Options for this style;

Can be custom made in 9ct, 18ct, white, yellow and Rose golds also platinum.
Can be set with diamond, pounamu or NZ greenstone , or other precious stones.
We welcome your inquiry's and are happy to give prices for all options.
Email sales@pacifictreasures.co.nz


If you would like to purchase this ring
Details are as follows :

This example is made up in solid 9ct. white gold.

Size up to a UK Q 1/2. US. 8 1/2
Band width,approx. 4-5mm. wide.

Interested but not sure about this style??
Selecting a wedding or engagement ring is an important decision.
To help, and if time allows, we  have samples of this ring style that can be sent to you within NZ or world wide.


Still not sure, have a question? we are always happy to help.

ico_email.gifEmail sales@pacifictreasures.co.nz



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