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Group 1



Rebecca and Maxz

Rebecca and Maxz
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Greenstone Pendant

Hi Rebecca and Maxz and welcome  to our Custom Order Dept.
Thank you for your inquiry.
We understand you would like to purchase the pounamu pendant as below;

This pendant features a detailed, solid Stg. Silver(.925), koru and twist design, ferrule cap. Would make an amazing presentation gift for a special occasion.
The pendant is carved from  a light Kawakawa  pounamu, or NZ green stone.
New Zealand green stone (Nephrite Jade).
Pendant size complete, 55mm. long x 23mm wide(2"inch x 7/8").
Pend. is hung on a 45cm silver chain.
Total price $212.00

I have setup the half payment $106.00  amount  in the "shopping Basket" on this page.
By making two payments , this will complete the purchase.
You can either pay by Visa or Mastercard via the website, or I have added my Bank details if you wanted to make a direct Bank Transfer, see below;
R and JM Bromhead
02 0484 0066080 00
Please ID your two payments with your name.
If you choose this payment method, I will need your address details  to be emailed to me.


Thank you again we look forward to hearing from you soon and always happy to answer any questions or queries you may have.

With our best regards,

Rick and Jenny Bromhead



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